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1.6 Cooper 2dr Auto


1.6 Cooper 2dr Auto

Engine1598 cc
Fuel TypePetrol
Reg Date01/03/2008

Top Speed 113 mph
0 - 62 mph 11.2 seconds
Engine Power 115 bhp
Engine Torque 111 lbs/ft
Cylinders 4
Valves 16
Engine Size 1598 cc
Transmission Automatic

182 g/km CO2 Meter
Fuel Consumption (extra urban) 48.7 mpg
Fuel Consumption (urban) 26.4 mpg
Fuel Consumption (combined) 37.2 mpg
Euro Status EURO 4

Height 1415 mm
Length 3635 mm
Width 1688 mm
Width (including mirrors) 1925 mm
Wheelbase 2467 mm

Seats 4
Boot Space 120 litres
Boot Space (Seats Down) 605 litres
Vehicle Weight 1590 kg
Fuel Tank Capacity 50 litres
Minimum Kerb Weight 1190 kg
Max Towing Weight Braked 650 kg
Max Towing Weight Unbraked 500 kg
Max Loading Weight 400 kg
Doors 2

Annual Road Tax £335

CO2 Emissions 182 g/km

Insurance Group 23E

ULEZ Compliant

Please note: The data displayed above details the usual specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. It is not the exact data for the actual vehicle being offered for sale and data for older models may vary slightly. We recommend that you always check the details with the seller prior to purchase.

We act as a credit broker not a lender. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who typically will be able to offer you finance for your purchase. (Written quotations available on request). Whichever lender we introduce you to, we will typically receive a fee from them (either a fixed fee or a percentage of the amount you borrow). The lenders we work with could pay commissions at different rates. All finance is subject to status and income. Terms and conditions apply. Applicants must be 18 years or over.